Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Updates to Thumb Swyper

Now that the flurry of activity around the release of Thumb Swyper Free has died down, there's a few things:

  1. The 1.0.7 Update: The first update fixed some bugs and improved gameplay. Gameplay-wise, the game more gradually increases difficulty and in more varied ways.
  2. The Update Process: Unfortunately in order to update the first time, required deleting the app first! The reason is not completely clear, but probably the naming scheme of the file bundles is to blame. We know it is asking lots of users to go through two update steps instead of one, and it is not clear what the two steps are ahead of time. Future updates should be normal.
  3. Full version: While we should get this out while the free version is still fresh in people's minds, our goal is for the full version to both challenge and delight our users much more than the free version does (or doesn't.)
There's some crazy ideas going around about dancing trees :  ).  More on that later!

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